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How To Lose Pubic Fat? Here Are 8 Exercises

How to Lose Pubic Fat

An extra layer of fat and skin just above the pubic region is called FUPA or pubic fat. Having some fat over the upper pubic area is normal and could vary in size and appearance among people.

Factors like genetics, rapid weight loss, aging, or childbirth may cause excess fat deposition in the pubic area. Surgical procedures like cesarean delivery or abdominal surgeries might also contribute to FUPA.

Some people may find FUPA concerning and undesirable and seek ways to target pubic fat reduction. However, solely focusing on fat reduction from a specific body area, such as FUPA, could be challenging.

This article highlights FUPA and the factors that may cause fat deposition in the pubic area. It will also explain some exercises and additional approaches to lose excess pubic fat.

What is a FUPA?

FUPA stands for Fat Upper Pubic Area, characterized by an excess subcutaneous fat deposit above the pubic bone. It may accumulate due to high body fat levels, leading to fat redistribution in this region.

Also known as panniculus or mons pubis, it may occur in both men and women. Having excess pubic fat is often considered undesirable as it could obscure the genital area and affect self-confidence and body image.

FUPA Healthy Pubic Area
Excess fat accumulation in the upper pubic region Normal distribution of fat in the pubic area
May impact body image and self-esteem Typically does not cause aesthetic concerns
Can be reduced through lifestyle changes and targeted exercises Maintained with a nutritious diet and regular physical activity

Lose Pubic Fat

Is It Possible to Lose Fat in Pubic Area?

Fat loss occurs proportionally all over the body. You cannot target spot reduction of fat from specific body areas, such as the upper pubic area, through diet or targeted exercises alone.

Focusing on reducing overall body fat levels by following a caloric deficit and engaging in regular physical activity might help reduce FUPA. Targeted exercises could help tone and firm the pubic area while promoting overall health and well-being.

Specific diets like ketogenic, paleo, or low-fat may be considered. However, the focus should be ensuring that your diet provides the necessary nutrients and supports a calorie deficit.

Being mindful of your food choices, avoiding inflammatory foods, and staying hydrated may help you achieve your fat-loss goals. Integrating cardio routines like running, swimming, or biking may help accelerate fat burning and support FUPA reduction.

Causes Of Excess Fat in Pubic Area

Factors like weight gain, skin laxity due to aging, genetic makeup, or differences in body fat distribution may contribute to fat accumulation in the mons pubis.

Genetics may cause a propensity for fat deposition in the pubic area, even if you are at a normal weight. Weight fluctuations (like weight gain) may induce the body to store excess fat in various body areas, including the upper pubic region.

Due to aging, your skin may become saggy or lax, which might contribute to the appearance of a larger pubic area.

Those who have undergone surgeries like abdominoplasty or liposuction may notice an increase in pubic fat despite no direct alteration to the pubic region. Temporary swelling and gravitational effects post-liposuction may also cause the pubic area to appear enlarged.

Best Exercises To Lose Pubic Fat

  1. Bicycle Crunches

    Bicycle crunches are abdominal exercises that engage core muscles and may enhance conditioning and coordination. This dynamic exercise might strengthen your abs, torso, and lower midsection, possibly contributing to your efforts in reducing pubic fat.

    To perform bicycle crunches correctly:

    1. Begin by lying on the back with your knees up and shins parallel to the ground.
    2. Ensure your lower back is fixated against the floor to engage your abs fully.
    3. Place your hands behind or on the sides of your head without interlocking your fingers.
    4. Next, extend one leg out while bringing the other towards your chest.
    5. Lift and rotate your upper body, aiming to touch the opposite elbow to the knee of the bent leg.
    6. Repeat the motion on the other side to complete one rep.
  2. Knee Tucks

    The exercise could target the lower abdominal muscles, helping strengthen and tone the core area. Performing knee tucks may help tone and firm the lower midsection, potentially diminishing the appearance of pubic fat.

    To perform knee tucks:

    1. Start by putting yourself in a high plank position, with the tops of your feet resting on an exercise ball.
    2. Then, slowly bend your knees and pull them towards the chest, allowing the ball to roll towards you.
    3. Focus on contracting your lower belly muscles as you bring your knees in.
    4. Once your knees are close to your chest, slowly extend the legs back out to the plank position.
    5. Repeat this movement for a total of 10 times, ensuring controlled and deliberate motions with each repetition.
  3. Pike Rollouts

    Pike rollouts may strengthen your core and target the lower abdominal muscles. You will need a basic exercise ball to perform them.

    Follow these steps to execute the exercise correctly:

    1. Begin in a high plank position by placing the tops of your feet on the exercise ball.
    2. Suck your lower belly in towards your spine and lift the hips towards the ceiling while positioning them directly above your shoulders.
    3. Slowly lower back down to the plank position with a controlled motion.
    4. Repeat the movement for a minimum of 10 repetitions.
  4. Bridges

    Also known as pelvic tilts, the bridge exercise may target and strengthen multiple muscle groups in the lower body. It helps tone your abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, potentially contributing to pubic fat reduction.

    Performing the bridge might expedite postpartum recovery as it engages the abdominal muscles without exerting excessive strain. It may particularly benefit women who have undergone a vaginal or cesarean delivery.

    To perform a bridge correctly:

    1. Lie down with the back and hips against the floor and knees bent. Keep your feet planted on the ground with your toes facing forward.
    2. Raise your hips to form a straight line from knees to head.
    3. Engage your glutes and core by squeezing them while holding the position for at least 20–30 seconds.
    4. Lower your hips back to the initial position.
  5. Forearm Plank

    Forearm planks target the abdominal muscles that could engage your back, legs, and arms, making them a full-body workout. It focuses on the obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis muscles.

    To perform a forearm plank correctly:

    1. Start in a kneeling position, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, forearms on the floor, and fists closed.
    2. Extend your legs behind you and lift onto your toes, forming a straight line from head to heels.
    3. Retain this position for at least 30 seconds, focusing on keeping your core engaged and tight throughout the exercise.
    4. As you build strength, aim to increase the duration gradually.
  6. Leg Raises

    Leg raises may target the core muscles and hip flexors, helping strengthen and tone the lower abdominal region, including the pubic area.

    Here is how to perform leg raises correctly:

    1. Lie on your back with legs extended and together.
    2. Keeping your legs straight, lift them towards the ceiling to form an L shape with your body.
    3. Slowly lower your legs back down without arching your back, then repeat this motion 10-15 times.
  7. Hip Lifts

    Hip lifts may target the lower abdominal muscles and strengthen your core strength, helping diminish the appearance of pubic fat. You may perform the hip lifts exercise more comfortably on an exercise mat.

    Here is how to perform the hip lifts:

    1. Begin by lying flat on the back with your legs pressed together and extended and the arms by the sides.
    2. Bring your feet over the hips in an attempt to point them to the ceiling.
    3. Engaging your abs, lift the butt and hips an inch off the ground, pressing into your arms and hands for stability (if necessary).
    4. Repeat for desired repetitions in 30 seconds.
  8. The Hundred

    It is a classic Pilates exercise that may strengthen your core and pelvic floor muscles, such as the transverse abdominis and multifidus. This exercise might also help tone the upper pubic area and reduce FUPA.

    To perform this exercise:

    1. Lie flat on the back, preferably on a yoga mat.
    2. Lift your chin towards the chest while engaging the lower abs. Keep the arms straight at your sides, with the elbows locked.
    3. Feel the burn in your lower abs as you raise your legs to a 45-degree angle. Simultaneously, move the arms up and down in a controlled motion.
    4. While keeping your legs in a fixed position, continue breathing in and out for a count of 100.

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Some Other Ways To Lose Pubic Fat

  1. Non-Surgical Methods

    • Laser liposuction: It is a non-invasive approach that utilizes controlled laser energy to heat and eliminate fat cells in the desired body areas. It has minimum risks and a faster recovery time, allowing you to embrace your natural shape.
    • Coolsculpting: It could specifically target and freeze adipose tissue (fat cells) in particular body areas, such as the upper pubic area. Over time, the body oxidizes and eliminates the destroyed fat cells, reducing fat in the treated area.
  2. Monsplasty

    Monsplasty (a pubic lift) is a procedure where excess fat and skin deposits are surgically removed, reducing the bulge and lifting the area. It may create a more defined and toned appearance in the upper pubic region, enhancing overall body contour.

  3. Liposuction

    Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure where small incisions are made, and excess fat is sucked out through suction devices under local anesthesia. It may be effective, particularly when the skin in the mons pubis area has good elasticity.

    However, removing fat through liposuction may sometimes result in sagging skin, especially if the skin lacks the necessary elasticity to retract fully. Before liposuction, consult a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your specific goals, expectations, and potential risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can Stress Contribute to Fat Accumulation in the Pubic Area?
    Elevated stress may raise cortisol hormone levels, promoting fat storage, particularly in the abdominal region. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and a healthy lifestyle may help mitigate its effects.
  • Are There Certain Foods That May Help Reduce Pubic Fat?
    No specific foods may target fat reduction from the upper pubic region. However, consuming nutrient-dense foods like lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains may aid in reducing body fat, potentially supporting pubic fat reduction.
  • How Can Hormone Levels Affect Fat Distribution in the Pubic Region?
    Imbalances in hormones like thyroid, cortisol, or insulin may increase fat accumulation, possibly contributing to pubic fat deposition. Consult a doctor to assess hormonal health and explore targeted strategies to address hormonal influences on fat distribution.
  • Can Targeted Massages or Treatments Help Reduce Pubic Fat?
    Targeted massages or treatments may not specifically reduce pubic fat. Instead, it's important to focus on reducing overall body fat by adhering to proper nutrition, exercise routine, and professional guidance.


Reducing pubic fat requires combining a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and targeted workouts. Integrating core-strengthening exercises like rollups, superman pose, leg raises, or burpees may help tone and strengthen your upper pubic region.

Lifestyle modifications like maintaining a calorie deficit, staying hydrated, and avoiding inflammatory foods could also help achieve a healthier body composition.

Those who find it difficult to lose pubic fat through lifestyle changes or want immediate outcomes may opt for additional procedures to lose FUPA.

However, a cosmetic specialist's consultation is necessary to assess the duration, effectiveness, and potential risks before such procedures.

  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this article.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • Consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before using the product.
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This project was supported in part by NSF Grant IIS-03-25867 (ITR: An Electronic Field Guide: Plant Exploration and Discovery in the 21st Century) and by the Washington Biologists' Field Club.
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