Swiss Pine
Pinus cembra

Also called Arolla Pine, this species is native to the mountains of central Europe and was brought to the US for planting in gardens and parks because of its cold-hardiness and attractive shape. The trees can grow to 25-35 m in height and produce needles in fascicles (bundles) of five. The edible seeds of this pine are harvested and sold as pine nuts.

Habitat:Planted as an ornamental, growing in full sun.
Growth Habit:Evergreen tree, growing up to 12 m tall or higher.
Presence in US:Not native to the US but widely cultivated.
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This project was supported in part by NSF Grant IIS-03-25867 (ITR: An Electronic Field Guide: Plant Exploration and Discovery in the 21st Century) and by the Washington Biologists' Field Club.
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