Fraser Fir
Abies fraseri

Noted for its small flattened needles and small pinecones that point upward, this southern Appalachian Mountains native has a fragmented range limited to the peaks of the seven highest mountains in that area. Made popular and widely cultivated for its classic “Christmas tree” shape, this species shares many characteristics with its more northern relative, Abies balsamea, Balsam Fir.

Habitat:The high elevation areas of the southern Appalachian Mountains.
Growth Habit:Evergreen tree growing to 15-25 m (50-80 ft) tall, growing in a pyramid shape, with rigid branches growing at right angles to the trunk.
Presence in US:NC, TN, VA
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This project was supported in part by NSF Grant IIS-03-25867 (ITR: An Electronic Field Guide: Plant Exploration and Discovery in the 21st Century) and by the Washington Biologists' Field Club.
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